Little update I returned the Samsung Tab a8 because of the huge lag I experienced. I currently use a Samsung Note 10+ but needed a bigger screen. I returned that Tab a8 and got a Galaxy Tab S6 Lite. This thing is quick if not as quick as my Note 10+ when running Litchi and DJI Fly.
The DJI Fly App installed on my Tab A 8 when I synched it with my Samsung Galaxy S10e cell phone.
Is that an update or an upgrade? I recognize the delay in bringing up video on my Samsung SM-T290NZKAXAR and aside from a bit of battery life, it’s no real problem but there is also a delay in the video recording. When I put on the brakes to prevent hitting the barn, it had already smacked into the barn.
I upgraded my device to the Galaxy tab S6 Lite amd its so much quicker and zero lag
The lights came on in the dark. It came to me at 4AM. The drone has a setting to allow upward gimbal rotation. Why would I want to do that?
Under hard acceleration, the nose of the drone tips down so the props can drive it forward and it loses track of the object it is supposed to be following. Either that or because it is supposed to be following me, the nose won’t tip down and it just watches me disappear in the distance because it can’t accelerate fast enough to keep me in range. So simple, I hope that makes it track me.
Leider funktioniert das Tablet nicht mehr mit den aktuellen App-Updates (DJI-FLY) mit den Versionen 1.2.0 und 1.2.1
I am looking at this tablet to run my Mini 2, when looking to buy can it be wifi only or do I need it with access to my cellular carrier?
Mine doesn’t access my cellular carrier. It does access the internet
Thank you, the tablet without the carrier is only 100 bucks, with carrier is much more.
Yeh, I don’t think I got such a good deal on ebay and it works fine with my Mavic Air 2. You may wish to install the fastest large capacity sdxc card you can find. SanDisk is a reliable brand.
For me it works once I got to Android 10, it didn’t give me any live video on Android 9 or lower. However, using HD mode isn’t an option and it seems very laggy. Here’s a video showing what it’s doing. Looking for other options now.
I want to recommend an SD Card for your tablet at least as large and fast as the one in your drone.My Mavic Air 2 has a 256GB 160MB/s read 90MB/s write. For my Tab A 8, I’ve ordered The Sandisk Extreme Pro 256GB 170MB/s Read, 90MB/s write. I hope this gets rid of any processing dwell time.
I’ve been doing some reading , apparently there are things you can do to make it run smoother, turning apps off, settings, etc…how do you upgrade the android version?
Mine is V10, it appears I updated mine on 10/25/2020. Go to settings/software update. You will find your version in Settings/About Tablet.
Are you using the dji mini 2? I’m really disappointed dji doesn’t have better tablet compatability for the mini2, had I known that prior to buying i probably wouldn’t have.
I am running the Mavic Air 2. I have no experience with the Mini.
Not sure what settings but I did remove all apps not needed, I disabled a ton of others. I still can’t use HD mode though for live video, smooth seems to be fine. I even did a factory reset on my tablet.
What SD Card is in your tablet and what card is in your drone?
Scandisk 128gb
With matched sd cards, there should be no problem. You might check the properties on both to see that they are formatted the same I browsed the properties on my tablet and don’t see anything that would be slowing you down. My internal storage is about half full.