Where Can I find my flight logs? I defined that my flight data will be synchronized AUTOMATICALLY, by where can I find these flight logs in the DJI world?
TXT flight logs are stored on the mobile devices used to fly (in these locations) and also in the DJI Cloud if you’ve configured DJI Fly (or the DJI app you’re using to fly) to upload them to the DJI Cloud.
For accessing flight logs in the DJI Cloud, you can use an application like Flight Reader to retrieve them like this.
I am using the DJI RC 2, and the flight records can on this device be found in \DJI RC 2\Internal shared storage\Android\data\dji.go.v5\files\FlightRecord\si_cache.
To view the content, you can upload the files her: DJI Flight Log Viewer | Phantom Help
You can also look at the drone logs in the following way: https://support.dji.com/help/content?customId=en-us03400006848&spaceId=34&re=GB&lang=en&documentType=artical&paperDocType=paper
Thanks a lot for all these helpful answers, now I can follow all my past flights perfectly
Hi gang. I just downloaded a couple of flight logs from my Mavic 3 Pro and RC Pro controller to my Mac computer. They are zipped and the apps I have on my Mac don’t recognize this particular zip format.
How do I unzip it to upload to the online Flight Log viewer? Tried it as is and of course Flight Log viewer cant read it as is…
TXT flight logs from the remote controller (or mobile device) should not be zipped. If they cannot be unzipped on your Mac, I’m wondering if those files were somehow accidentally renamed with a .ZIP file extension. You could try removing the “.zip” from the end of the filename.
I can take a look at the file too if you can share one here.
I got it. I had gotten that zipped version from the wrong spot. Its very confusing - compared to when I flew my Phantoms with an iPad. Very easy to find there.
For the RC Pro, that I have an SD card in, if figured the correct path:
and the .txt files are loose in this folder along with various other files.
I changed the Sort order to “Modified (newest first)” which brings the newest flight records close to the top.
Should be a way to create a bookmark for quick access. Why I hate Android…