I also have posted about this numerous times, as i just did previously, and one of the issues also flying in the direct sun is using Polarized Sunglasses as the device screens are also polarized and if you turn the screen 90 degrees, the screen can turn Black… the sun glasses may cut down on glare, but it also darkens the entire screen…
Hey Geoff … bringing back an old post.
Is your Tab A7 Lite the wifi only version or wifi and cellular? I just bought a Mini 2 SE (my first drone) and I’m looking at the A7 Lite since my phone won’t work.
My phone, a Motorola Moto G works with my phone but the screen is really too small for my old eyes, I also use an older Samsung Galaxy S2 Tablet, 8" Screen, and it works perfectly, and is nice and light to hold… I also have a Galaxy A8, 10" screen and it works very well, but it is heavy…
All of these are Android and only the cell phone has cellular connectivity, the tablets are WiFi only, but if you can HotSpot your phone, any WiFi only unit will have connectivity…
If money is an issue, there are plenty of good quality ones for sale (eBay, Craigslist, Facebook Market place, Pawn shops, even thrift shops…),
Mounting them is another issue, this is how I handled it temporarily, but it works so well, it is now my permanent solution… The bracket ws made from 1/4" plexiglass and bent using a heat gun…