Will height change cause a crash

I agree with @Finn_Gange to a point. Hand launching and catching is a useful skill set that you should learn. You never know when a roving gang of “wild dogs”, roos, camels, or a “heard of crazed wombats….” should overtake your position and setting your drone down a landing pad is not practical.

Additionally, I previously recommended that you think about flying out in the tidal flats of the Gulf and you would find few places to put a landing pad among the marsh weeds and such.

The reason that I do not recommend hand catching on a regular basis, is how most folk shut the motors down… In reality, they snatch the drone out of the air and then quickly flip it over on its side. The IMU senses the drone on its side and shuts the motors down. The flipping action is usually abrupt and can strain the gimbal and as it wrote previously, its the most delicate item on the drone…

So as the old song goes, “It’s a Long Way to Tip a Canary…” L o L . . .

So my advice is be careful about tipping your drone or for that matter, a “canary…”


I agree with @LoudThunder. I never flip my drone. Following what I describe in my video shows that it is unnecessary (and you don’t have to turn off the sensors - as some says).

I did test this in a controlled area before trying it in the field. Tried it several times to make sure I got it right each time. This has definitely saved me a couple of times (you never know when you may need that skill).

My drone doesnt let you do that. with sensors all on, if my hand goes under, it shoots upwards.
im ok with that. i prefer pad landing. Thanks for the input though, its appreciated.

Any idea why i cant post utube links to you?
it says i cant post this link to this user?
Its just the utube link to that jazz song ?


I guess you haven’t looked at my video then. Raise you hand carefully and keep holding the down stick. The drone will commence landing (very slowly) and make it really easy to catch. Remember to hold the down stick until the propellers stop. I have successfully done this on several occasions with both my Mini 4 pro and my Air 3S. I you move to quick (or when the drone is too close to you), it will try avoiding you. Take a look at my video. This is even done in normal mode.

Neat video and that is some music, but you ain’t Kenny G… L :rofl: L . . .

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well im only responsible for the words lol. The rest is AI.
its good for video music though. drones done record sound, so drone vids obviously need some tunes.
Im still at a loss as to why it wont let me reply to you with the utube link in it.
Cant find a local drone mat, so i was at local hardware store, and seen a dog cooling mat.
$20 and is 1000mm x 600mm x 10mm. very tight woven fabric and gel filled.
Will be very durable, and with the gel filling a little softer for landings.
just need a H in a circle and im all good. a bit of weight aswell. maybe 2 kilo/ / 4.5 lb at a guess.

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yeah i did watch your video. it just beeps and didnt land. In any case im ok with proper landing.
Matbe my drone knows im not smart enough to get it done with out a prop strike lol

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Yes, it will beep and continue to do so until you land, but you have to be patient. Anyway, you do you :slight_smile:

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I went cheap… I found a 36" X 72" Yoga Mat (about 1-meter X 2-meters) for a dollar at a church thrift store. I cut it into two 36" pieces, One, I cut into a circle and the other I cut the corners off the square to make it Hexagonal (8-sided). I spray painted both white and added a big “H” on each. I also attached 4-fishing weights to keep them grounded in a wind. They roll up nice and tight and it turns out I prefer the Hexagon one…

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I do not understand what you mean, reply where, this web site, the YouTube Comments Section, etc…

Make sure you do not Click “Safe for Kids” in the Audience section of your videos, otherwise the viewer has to do stuff to prove something…

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na i mean in here. ill try todays vid. its from utube. not for kids. shared public. but when i add in a youtube link it says i can not post to this user from this source. yet a few days back i could do exactly that. weird

ok seems to have worked today lol. we went to the local port today. 2 super old cranes. came close to bird strikes, as there was a heap of pigeons in there.
The last 2 vids i put in there as of the “city of adelaide” ship which is being renovated slowly.
heres a link if ya interested. https://www.cityofadelaide.org.au/
In the main picture on that page you can see the view of the area and the cranes where i was.
A bit of drone fun. lightish winds. nice and sunny, with blue skys. i was a happy camper.
Polarizing filters due in tomorrow. Its all coming together.

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I used a pet mat 90in x 32in. Mainly because mine wont land exactly where it takes off.
its filled with gel for a little extra smooth landing. I had a half hour to spare so i added some paint pen art to the middle. from a distance it looks the part lol

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To make the drone land exactly (or very close to) where you took off, you need to follow the procedure for precision landing. After taking off, make sure you go vertically at least 7 m before going horisontal (the drone will then get an image of where to return, using the two bottom cameras). This is required to get a visual image, sa the GPS is not accurate enough.

In addition to this, if you are too close to the HP when pressing RTH, the drone will simply land exactly beneath where it is at when pressing RTH.

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I fly in agricultural areas at times also. Often, I prefer to hand catch the drone. It is a skill worth learning. Just a thought.

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Thank you for that. I didnt know it took a photo so it knew what to look for to come home.
Been that i have the landing pad, i should get used to manual landings.
I do tend to use the RTH too much. I want to get out today and see how it does on the new mat, just waiting on polarizing filters in the post.

Im starting a facebook page.
Called You See What I Did?
So people can post videos of what they just filmed, or they just had a weekend flying and they have stuff to show. Maybe i was out flying, and this happened how do i fix it. Maybe editing help. Just a fun hang out where we can learn from what others create.
Would you all be interested in such a page?
Im trying to get away from forum chat, to a more relaxed environment.
I havent got it all dialed in yet, but if you, and anyone you know would like to join its on the link.

Several options here, use the RTH to get the drone back overhead, then take control and land it manually. I would also advise you go find a quiet place and practice just landing and taking off. Lift off, fly around a few feet so the drone is not just over the mat, then lower the camera, eyeball the drone over the mat, then with the drone facing away from you (this way you are not dealing with reverse controls…), land the drone by just looking at the screen. But remember, just as the drone is about to touch down, it will raise the camera so it is not pointing at the ground.