I’m new to Flight Reader so this may be something that I am missing. Some of my logs do not show the thumbnails (up to 4 photos in Photos column) but if I right click on the log and open the log folder there are JPG snapshots that I can view from the flight so there must be thumbnails available. Another log from another drone has the both the thumbnails in the log file and the snapshots.
That occurs when the thumbnails aren’t extracted from the flight log. A fix will be included in the next Flight Reader release – coming out later today.
Just flew with my old Phantom 3 Standard today. I only recorded video but there was a snapshot in the log folder but it did not appear as a thumbnail in the flight record. I flew with DJI GO. Is there a reason why it didn’t work for the P3S?
Is there a way to share the log directly from Flight Reader? Alternatively, I also have it in AirData so I could share it from there or I could use your online version.