Just broke a couple of props in a windy landing and need to replace. Has anybody tried THESE?
Just broke a couple of props in a windy landing and need to replace. Has anybody tried THESE?
Doesn’t seem to be props made by DJI. I’ve not been a fan of any prop other than DJI original.
Qite agree but DJI are so expensive but then compared to the drone…
I just ordered a set of Master Air Screw for my P3S. They are currently 15% off (Easter special). Never used them before but they seem to get good reviews.
Just bought a set from DRONEWORX for £18 delivered, so pleased with that and they say “genuine DJI” which makes me feel “safe”
Propeller balance is critical to the efficiency of the drone. Banging into walls and chipping the propellers isn’t a good thing. Balanced props are quieter, run faster and travel farther by saving battery life. I purchased dynamically balanced props #7238F and prop guards. The prop guards should also provide some protection for the camera and gimbal as well as possibly, my fingers.
My new MA2 came with a bag of propellers and the bag is labeled “Unbalanced B.” WTH? I may never use them.
I always advocate balancing/checking propellers no matter what anybody says. It’s a very simple and cheap process compared to the cost of a drone!