Phantom 4 Losing signal too close, with 300~400m HELP

Hi guys,

I’m really getting my head crazy with this problem, My P4 is losing signal to close, like 300~400 meters I lost the signal, and the aircraft RTH.
I dont know what to do, I tryed to recalibrate the IMU, compass and everything but nothing works.

i’m thinking this may be the landing gear with the problem? Because he is the antenna right? Or may be the Controller?
Can you guys give me a light for what to do os what to try!!

Thanks a lot guys

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Some questions for you:

  • Has this been happening since the first time you flew your Phantom 4? If not, what changed between now and the last time all was working as expected?

  • Are there any obstacles between you and the drone when flying?

  • Have you tried flying in a different location to rule out possible interference in area where you’re flying?

Yes, the antennas are in the landing gear.

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