NEO Log not correct

I flew my NEO inside my house and for most of the flight there was no GPS. The drone was flown with the RC-N3 controller. The log in DJIs Flight Data Centre indicates the duration of the flight was 12 min, but the log in Flight Reader shows a flight of 2 min 11s. Also the landing battery entry is not correct as well. Is this because the drone only had GPS for a short time (2min 11s ??)? I don’t normally fly my drones in my house so have never encountered this problem.

FWIW, AirData also indicates a flight of 2min 11s and the same landing battery, so it is obviously not just Flight Reader.

I’m just trying to understand why this is so. I didn’t expect there to be any map because of no GPS coordinates but did not expect flight time and battery data to be off.


From what you recall, was it a 12 or 2 minute flight?

No, that wouldn’t cause something like this. Can you share your flight log?

The flight was definitely a 12 minute flight. I flew an almost fully charged battery (93%) down to around 20%. I am attaching the txt flight log from my iPhone. The DAT file is too large to upload. If you need to Log file from Flight Reader, let me know.

DJIFlightRecord_2024-11-16_[13-57-03].txt (2.0 MB)

Here’s what I see in Flight Reader 1.6.22:

Airdata also shows the flight time is 11m 54s.

I am not sure what is going on. I was running 1.6.21 but updated to 1.6.22 and reprocessed the log to see if that fixed the issue but it’s still the same. I did not import the log manually from the file I sent you. In both Flight Reader and AirData the log was automatically uploaded.

Here’s my screenshot after updating and re-processing.

Here’s the AirData log screenshot.

I am going to try uploading the log file manually to Flight Reader and AirData and see what happens.


I have uploaded the flight log that I sent you (the one copied from my iPhone) to Flight Reader and now the log file is correct.

I did the same for AirData and it is also correct. I have the two logs: the auto upload one which is not correct and the manually uploaded one which is correct.

So, it seems like there was some sort of error in the auto-uploaded log because the one copied directly from my iPhone is correct.

Here’s the screenshot of my Flight Data Centre:


Maybe it partially uploaded to the DJI Cloud? I haven’t seen that one before.

Yah, that might be what happened. You would think if the upload got interrupted it would just start again.


I have an issue with incorrect start and end times on some of my flights. Yesterday I had 5 flights in a building with poor GPS. Some flights I was using my iPhone as controller and the rest were with the DJI RC2. When I uploaded the flight records, some flights had times that were around 5 hours after I flew. Looking at the battery information, the flights aren’t in correct order either. Previous flights had the correct information so I think the lack of GPS may be the culprit.

Can you share one of those TXT flight logs?

Sorry for the delay sending these but I was out of town without my laptop. These are the files from my RC2 that show the incorrect times.
DJIFlightRecord_2024-11-20_[15-20-13].txt (18.7 KB)
DJIFlightRecord_2024-11-20_[15-21-48].txt (551.6 KB)
DJIFlightRecord_2024-11-20_[15-31-06].txt (1.7 MB)

I’m no expert at reading logs so I’ll leave that to the experts. When this happened to me, I just manually uploaded the text logs from my phone (use RC-N3) to Flight Reader and AirData and the complete log was there. Not sure if this will work for you but it might be worth a try.

The issue hasn’t re-occurred ‘yet’.


The flight log stores time in UTC, so it needs to be converted when displayed in Flight Reader. However, without any GPS data, Flight Reader cannot determine the appropriate time zone offset for the conversion. In such cases, it defaults to displaying the time in UTC.

Makes sense. Thanks!