Mavic Air went rogue + crashed

Hi all. Been lurking here for a while. I appreciate all your helpful information.

Had a strange flight with my Mavic Air today.

All seemed normal, then as I was getting the aircraft up in the first minutes of flight, I all of a sudden noticed that the camera image showed the horizon tilted. Then the aircraft went rogue on me and sped up eventually crashing into a tree.

Trying to figure out what happened. Around the time it went rogue, it showed a high wind warning, which didn’t make much sense.

It semi responded to my input trying to keep the altitude up a bit, but it couldn’t stay up.long enough to prevent the crash.

I uploaded my log and would appreciate any I can hopefully prevent this again.

Please upload your DAT flight log to and post a link back here. It might contain additional details that’ll explain what happened. If needed, you can find instructions for retrieving the DAT file here.

Were all of the props attached when you found your Mavic Air? Did any of them have missing pieces?

Hi! Thanks so much for the reply.

Yes all props are attached and appear normal (amazingly). I got lucky because it appears to still function other than the landing gear being ripped off.

I’ve uploaded the DAT file as suggested.

Thanks again!

Here is a video leading up to the crash…

I’m wondering if this was a compass issue?

I’m no expert on this, but until now have had zero problems with my MA after many months of flying.

Yes, that appears to be the issue. The data shows the aircraft did not know which way it was facing.

Where did you power on your Mavic Air and what were you doing with it before you started your flight?

@BudWalker or @sar104, have anything to add here?

It was powered on in the middle of a parking lot that (I thought) was away from metal objects. It has been asking me to calibrate the compass before every flight. I initially seemed ok on takeoff. I’ve been reading a lot about making sure the calibration is correct. Live and learn. I was very lucky to get it back. Had to throw a volleyball at the palm tree until it let go. Lol.

I’ll try my next flight very carefully, it looks like the only real casually was the front landing gear and appears the antenna wire is still in tact.

Thanks so much for helping me review this. I’ve had a ton of fun with this drone and unfortunately some things have to be learned the hard way :slight_smile:


This was not simple compass interference - the aircraft threw just about every IMU failure flag it could find.

.000 : 52608 [L-FMU/MOTOR]Start. reason:ACT.Takeoff
.000 : 52608 [L-PWM]set actuator mode:CTRL
.000 : 52608 [L-FDI]tilt when motor on = 0.131280, static flag = 1
.001 : 52608 [L-FMU/FSM]state changed. cur: on ground
.020 : 52609 [L-IOC]Set CL. -150.5 Degree
.020 : 52609 [L-TAKEOFF]alti: -107.946770 tors: -150.475601
1.490 : 52682 [L-N_MIS]Exit mis 4. New mis 6
1.490 : 52682 [L-N_MIS]Switch new mis 6 req 6 from mis 4 req 6
2.270 : 52721 [L-FMU/FSM]state changed. cur: in air
2.274 : 52722 [L-HOME]Update. lati:25.9119269 longti:-80.1236600 alti:-87.95
2.913 : 52754 [L-RC]Emergency break. rc vib!
3.172 : 52767 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. forearm LED outer ctrl off:Ctrl forearm LED off by cam(2)
3.870 : 52802 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. set home:(0)
5.260 : 52871 [L-NS][AHRS] reset baro just after takeoff
5.266 : 52872 [L-FMU/MOTOR]safe_near_grd:false
5.268 : 52872 [L-FMU/FSM]not near ground
5.965 : 52907 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. Normal Flash(0)
5.965 : 52907 [L-FMU/LED]type:0, normal flash action:
5.965 : 52907 [L-FMU/LED]c0:0,15;c1:0,3;c2:0,13;c3:2,3;c4:0,10;c5:0,3;c6:0,10;c7:0,3
7.105 : 52964 [L-N_MIS]req abort all for reach target height
7.110 : 52964 [L-TAKEOFF]exit auto takeoff plan!
7.125 : 52965 [L-N_MIS]Switch new mis 3 req 2 from mis 26 req 16
7.125 : 52965 [L-FLYMODE]SWITCH2HOVER!
8.897 : 53054 [L-FDI][sensor_api_info] head(2,0,31,4).|
24.855 : 53854 [L-FDI][sensor_api_info] head(2,0,31,4).|
29.782 : 54100 [L-BATTERY]get_cell_voltage_callback_ack failed!||
30.859 : 54154 [L-NS][AHRS],qg obv buffer size[218/270]
30.859 : 54154 [L-NS][AHRS],pva obv buffer size[238/270]
32.003 : 54212 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
32.003 : 54212 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
32.003 : 54212 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
32.003 : 54212 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
32.016 : 54213 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault on , disagree
32.016 : 54213 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , disagree
32.016 : 54213 [L-FDI]fatal error: no ns with level < 4 !!!
32.208 : 54222 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
32.208 : 54222 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
32.208 : 54222 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
32.208 : 54222 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
32.402 : 54232 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
32.402 : 54232 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
32.417 : 54233 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
32.417 : 54233 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
32.507 : 54237 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
32.507 : 54237 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
32.602 : 54242 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
32.602 : 54242 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
32.751 : 54249 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
32.751 : 54249 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
32.895 : 54257 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. imu error:ns_abnormal(3)
32.951 : 54259 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
32.951 : 54259 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
35.200 : 54372 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
35.200 : 54372 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
35.399 : 54382 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
35.399 : 54382 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
35.599 : 54392 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
35.599 : 54392 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
35.843 : 54404 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
35.843 : 54404 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
35.998 : 54412 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
35.998 : 54412 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
37.988 : 54512 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
37.988 : 54512 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
38.835 : 54554 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
38.835 : 54554 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
39.040 : 54565 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
39.040 : 54565 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
39.239 : 54575 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
39.239 : 54575 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
39.334 : 54579 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
39.334 : 54579 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
39.384 : 54582 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
39.384 : 54582 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
39.389 : 54582 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
39.389 : 54582 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
39.534 : 54589 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
39.534 : 54589 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
39.733 : 54599 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
39.733 : 54599 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
39.738 : 54600 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
39.738 : 54600 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
39.952 : 54610 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
39.952 : 54610 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
39.982 : 54612 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
39.982 : 54612 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
39.982 : 54612 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
39.982 : 54612 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
40.132 : 54619 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
40.132 : 54619 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
40.331 : 54629 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
40.331 : 54629 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
40.531 : 54639 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
40.531 : 54639 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
40.586 : 54642 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
40.586 : 54642 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
40.730 : 54649 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) heading is outlier
40.730 : 54649 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) heading is outlier
40.730 : 54649 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
40.730 : 54649 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
40.760 : 54651 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
40.760 : 54651 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
40.813 : 54654 [L-FDI][sensor_api_info] head(2,0,31,4).|
40.930 : 54659 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
40.930 : 54659 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
40.960 : 54661 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
40.960 : 54661 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
41.129 : 54669 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
41.129 : 54669 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
41.169 : 54671 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
41.169 : 54671 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
41.184 : 54672 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
41.184 : 54672 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
41.329 : 54679 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
41.329 : 54679 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
41.379 : 54682 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
41.379 : 54682 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
41.528 : 54689 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
41.528 : 54689 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
41.613 : 54694 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
41.613 : 54694 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
41.728 : 54699 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
41.728 : 54699 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
41.818 : 54704 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
41.818 : 54704 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
41.927 : 54709 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
41.927 : 54709 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
42.127 : 54719 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
42.127 : 54719 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
42.326 : 54729 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
42.326 : 54729 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
42.526 : 54739 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
42.526 : 54739 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
42.725 : 54749 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
42.725 : 54749 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
42.925 : 54759 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
42.925 : 54759 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
43.129 : 54770 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
43.129 : 54770 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
43.224 : 54774 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
43.224 : 54774 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
43.324 : 54779 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
43.324 : 54779 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
43.523 : 54789 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
43.523 : 54789 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
43.578 : 54792 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
43.578 : 54792 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
43.723 : 54799 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
43.723 : 54799 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
43.772 : 54802 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
43.772 : 54802 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
43.847 : 54806 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
43.847 : 54806 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
43.922 : 54809 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
43.922 : 54809 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
44.025 : 54815 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault off, disagree
44.025 : 54815 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault off, disagree
44.065 : 54817 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. Normal Flash(0)
44.065 : 54817 [L-FMU/LED]type:0, normal flash action:
44.066 : 54817 [L-FMU/LED]c0:0,15;c1:0,3;c2:0,13;c3:2,3;c4:0,10;c5:0,3;c6:0,10;c7:0,3
44.102 : 54818 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
44.102 : 54818 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
44.105 : 54819 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault on , disagree
44.105 : 54819 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , disagree
44.105 : 54819 [L-FDI]fatal error: no ns with level < 4 !!!
44.137 : 54820 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
44.137 : 54820 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
44.171 : 54822 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
44.171 : 54822 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
44.176 : 54822 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) heading is outlier
44.176 : 54822 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) heading is outlier
44.321 : 54829 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
44.321 : 54829 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
44.521 : 54839 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
44.521 : 54839 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
44.575 : 54842 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
44.575 : 54842 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
44.625 : 54845 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
44.625 : 54845 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
44.989 : 54863 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
44.989 : 54863 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
45.861 : 54907 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. imu error:ns_abnormal(3)
46.750 : 54951 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
46.750 : 54951 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
46.770 : 54952 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
46.770 : 54952 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
47.164 : 54972 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
47.164 : 54972 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
47.214 : 54974 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
47.214 : 54974 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
47.516 : 54990 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , magn_heading_err_large
47.662 : 54997 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
47.662 : 54997 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
47.912 : 55009 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
47.912 : 55009 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
48.111 : 55019 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
48.111 : 55019 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
48.311 : 55029 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
48.311 : 55029 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
48.510 : 55039 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
48.510 : 55039 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
48.565 : 55042 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
48.565 : 55042 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
48.710 : 55049 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
48.710 : 55049 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
48.909 : 55059 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
48.909 : 55059 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
49.109 : 55069 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
49.109 : 55069 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
49.308 : 55079 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
49.308 : 55079 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
49.508 : 55089 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
49.508 : 55089 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
49.707 : 55099 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
49.707 : 55099 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
49.907 : 55109 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
49.907 : 55109 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
50.106 : 55119 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
50.106 : 55119 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
50.305 : 55129 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
50.305 : 55129 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
50.349 : 55132 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault on , height_ctrl_fail
50.369 : 55133 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!
50.449 : 55137 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault off, height_ctrl_fail
50.505 : 55139 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
50.505 : 55139 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
50.704 : 55149 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
50.704 : 55149 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
50.904 : 55159 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
50.904 : 55159 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
51.303 : 55179 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
51.303 : 55179 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
51.502 : 55189 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
51.502 : 55189 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
51.702 : 55199 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
51.702 : 55199 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
52.300 : 55229 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
52.300 : 55229 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
52.384 : 55234 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!
52.500 : 55239 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
52.500 : 55239 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
54.398 : 55335 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!
54.694 : 55349 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
54.694 : 55349 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
55.037 : 55367 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. Normal Flash(0)
55.298 : 55380 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
55.298 : 55380 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
55.492 : 55389 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
55.492 : 55389 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
55.691 : 55399 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
55.691 : 55399 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
56.413 : 55436 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!
56.772 : 55454 [L-FDI][sensor_api_info] head(2,0,31,4).|
58.428 : 55537 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!
59.736 : 55602 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
59.736 : 55602 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
59.796 : 55605 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
59.796 : 55605 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
60.323 : 55632 [L-GEO][fmu_api_handler_update_app_db]reset recv buf|
60.323 : 55632 [L-GEO][fmu_api_handler_update_app_db]add buf 0 1|
60.422 : 55637 [L-GEO][fmu_api_handler_update_app_db]>end of app db|
60.422 : 55637 [L-GEO][update_nfz_app_db]update app db[1]|
60.422 : 55637 [L-GEO][print_app_db][0] id:0 (0, 0) 10|
61.460 : 55689 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault on , horiz_ctrl_fail
64.632 : 55848 [L-CTRL]Plant gain adjust: FAIL, inside dead zone
65.150 : 55874 [L-BATTERY]no space to save the ipc packet 22
65.150 : 55874 [L-BATTERY]no space to save the ipc packet 17
65.150 : 55874 [L-BATTERY]no space to save the ipc packet 17
65.450 : 55889 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault on , random_fly
65.466 : 55889 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
65.466 : 55889 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
65.688 : 55900 [L-BATTERY]get_cell_voltage_callback_ack failed!||
66.686 : 55950 [L-BATTERY]get_cell_voltage_callback_ack failed!||
66.886 : 55961 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault off, disagree
66.886 : 55961 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault off, disagree
67.006 : 55967 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. Normal Flash(0)
67.006 : 55967 [L-FMU/LED]type:0, normal flash action:
67.006 : 55967 [L-FMU/LED]c0:0,15;c1:0,3;c2:0,13;c3:2,3;c4:0,10;c5:0,3;c6:0,10;c7:0,3
67.466 : 55990 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
67.466 : 55990 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
67.484 : 55991 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault on , disagree
67.484 : 55991 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , disagree
67.484 : 55991 [L-FDI]fatal error: no ns with level < 4 !!!
67.683 : 56000 [L-BATTERY]get_cell_voltage_callback_ack failed!||
68.681 : 56050 [L-BATTERY]get_cell_voltage_callback_ack failed!||
68.801 : 56057 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. imu error:ns_abnormal(3)
68.942 : 56064 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
68.942 : 56064 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
69.655 : 56099 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
69.655 : 56099 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
69.855 : 56109 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
69.855 : 56109 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
69.909 : 56112 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
69.909 : 56112 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
70.054 : 56119 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
70.054 : 56119 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
70.254 : 56129 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
70.254 : 56129 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
70.308 : 56132 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
70.308 : 56132 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
70.453 : 56139 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
70.453 : 56139 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
70.652 : 56149 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
70.653 : 56149 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
70.852 : 56159 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
70.852 : 56159 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
71.051 : 56169 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
71.051 : 56169 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
71.251 : 56179 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
71.251 : 56179 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
71.450 : 56189 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
71.450 : 56189 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
71.613 : 56198 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault off, disagree
71.613 : 56198 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault off, disagree
71.620 : 56198 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
71.620 : 56198 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
71.633 : 56199 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault on , disagree
71.633 : 56199 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , disagree
71.633 : 56199 [L-FDI]fatal error: no ns with level < 4 !!!
71.650 : 56199 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
71.650 : 56199 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
71.673 : 56200 [L-BATTERY]get_cell_voltage_callback_ack failed!||
71.713 : 56203 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault off, disagree
71.713 : 56203 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault off, disagree
71.793 : 56207 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. Normal Flash(0)
71.793 : 56207 [L-FMU/LED]type:0, normal flash action:
71.793 : 56207 [L-FMU/LED]c0:0,15;c1:0,3;c2:0,13;c3:2,3;c4:0,10;c5:0,3;c6:0,10;c7:0,3
71.849 : 56209 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
71.849 : 56209 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
71.853 : 56210 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault on , disagree
71.853 : 56210 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , disagree
71.853 : 56210 [L-FDI]fatal error: no ns with level < 4 !!!
71.913 : 56213 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault off, disagree
71.913 : 56213 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault off, disagree
72.049 : 56219 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
72.049 : 56219 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
72.052 : 56220 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault on , disagree
72.052 : 56220 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , disagree
72.052 : 56220 [L-FDI]fatal error: no ns with level < 4 !!!
72.072 : 56221 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault off, disagree
72.072 : 56221 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault off, disagree
72.730 : 56254 [L-FDI][sensor_api_info] head(2,0,31,4).|
73.030 : 56269 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault off, magn_heading_err_large
77.657 : 56500 [L-BATTERY]get_cell_voltage_callback_ack failed!||
85.718 : 56905 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
85.718 : 56905 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
85.736 : 56906 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(0): fault on , disagree
85.737 : 56906 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , disagree
85.737 : 56906 [L-FDI]fatal error: no ns with level < 4 !!!
86.156 : 56927 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. imu error:ns_abnormal(3)
87.991 : 57019 [L-FMU/LED]action changed. forearm LED outer ctrl off:Ctrl forearm LED off by cam(2)
88.689 : 57054 [L-FDI][sensor_api_info] head(2,0,31,4).|
89.124 : 57075 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) heading is outlier
89.124 : 57075 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) heading is outlier
90.650 : 57152 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
90.650 : 57152 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
90.703 : 57154 [L-NS][AHRS],qg obv buffer size[218/270]
90.703 : 57154 [L-NS][AHRS],pva obv buffer size[238/270]
93.796 : 57310 [L-FDI]NS(0) FUSION(1): fault on , magn_heading_err_large
94.578 : 57349 [L-N_MIS]Init plan 0 from requester 6 for reason 12. Pre plan 5
94.588 : 57349 [L-N_MIS]Exit mis 3. New mis 12
94.588 : 57349 [L-N_MIS]Switch new mis 12 req 6 from mis 3 req 2
100.031 : 57622 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
100.031 : 57622 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
101.596 : 57701 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault off, horiz_ctrl_fail
101.622 : 57702 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
101.622 : 57702 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
101.766 : 57709 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
101.766 : 57709 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
103.417 : 57792 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
103.417 : 57792 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
103.622 : 57802 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
103.622 : 57802 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
103.821 : 57812 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
103.821 : 57812 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
104.647 : 57854 [L-FDI][sensor_api_info] head(2,0,31,4).|
106.015 : 57922 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
106.015 : 57922 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
106.898 : 57966 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
106.898 : 57966 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
106.963 : 57970 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
106.963 : 57970 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
107.008 : 57972 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
107.008 : 57972 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
107.127 : 57978 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
107.127 : 57978 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
108.099 : 58027 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault on , height_ctrl_fail
108.139 : 58029 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!
108.354 : 58039 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
108.354 : 58039 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
108.554 : 58049 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
108.554 : 58049 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
109.152 : 58079 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
109.152 : 58079 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
109.352 : 58089 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
109.352 : 58089 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
109.551 : 58099 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
109.551 : 58099 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
109.751 : 58109 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
109.751 : 58109 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
109.950 : 58119 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
109.950 : 58119 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
110.150 : 58129 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
110.150 : 58129 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
110.153 : 58130 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!
110.349 : 58139 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
110.349 : 58139 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
110.549 : 58149 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
110.549 : 58149 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
110.632 : 58154 [L-BATTERY]no space to save the ipc packet 17
110.632 : 58154 [L-BATTERY]no space to save the ipc packet 17
110.748 : 58159 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
110.748 : 58159 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
110.948 : 58169 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
110.948 : 58169 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
110.971 : 58171 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault on , impact_in_air
111.051 : 58175 [L-FDI][CTRL]: fault off, impact_in_air
111.052 : 58175 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
111.052 : 58175 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
111.092 : 58177 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
111.092 : 58177 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
111.147 : 58179 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
111.147 : 58179 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
111.401 : 58192 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) vgz is outlier
111.401 : 58192 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) vgz is outlier
111.496 : 58197 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
111.496 : 58197 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
111.596 : 58202 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
111.596 : 58202 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
111.651 : 58205 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
111.651 : 58205 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
111.749 : 58210 [L-RC]Emergency break. rc vib!
111.850 : 58215 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
111.850 : 58215 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
111.928 : 58219 [L-BATTERY]no space to save the ipc packet 17
111.928 : 58219 [L-BATTERY]no space to save the ipc packet 17
111.940 : 58219 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) tilt is outlier
111.940 : 58219 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) tilt is outlier
111.968 : 58221 [L-FMU/MOTOR]fault on , esc(4) is stall
112.028 : 58224 [L-FMU/MOTOR]fault on , esc(1) is stall
112.050 : 58225 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(0) alti is outlier
112.050 : 58225 [L-FDI][FDI] ns atti(1) alti is outlier
112.088 : 58227 [L-FMU/MOTOR]fault on , esc(2) is stall
112.168 : 58231 [L-RC]craft ctrl failed!!!

Hardware issue then? I had about 10 other successful flights this week with no issues at all. I’m a little nervous to send it up now.

Should I try calibrating IMU?

Just looked at the event log myself. You beat me to it. Iv’e never seen this many errors before… There appears to be many more issues than the compass alone.:open_mouth:

Ha! When I screw up, I screw up good :slight_smile:

What would you guys suggest I do next?

I would definitely calibrate the IMU. Also, on that flight you did a requested compass calibration and then launched without rebooting the aircraft. Don’t do that.

If it calibrates successfully then I would try a takeoff and low-level hover somewhere open - just see if it can hold attitude and position. Then try some basic forward, backwards, sideways and yaw maneuvers to see how it behaves. Then take a look at the resulting DAT file.

Thanks, that makes sense. I wasn’t aware about rebooting after a compass cal. so that is very helpful. I’ll do a test flight as soon as time allows and pull the .DAT file again.

Again, I can’t thank you guys enough for the help.

I should also add I’m pretty amazed at how resilient this thing is after that kind of crash. Some of that may be luck.

Any idea what would cause something like this?

Other than some sort of IMU failure? Not a clue myself…

No - I’ve never seen that combination of errors. The IMUs were disagreeing on all kinds of things. But it could be an FC issue rather than hardware. If it’s hardware then it will happen again, while if it were an FC system problem then a reboot might clear it up.

Do you think it’s worth sending it in to DJI? Or am I wasting my time?

Looking at the eventLog stream it seems the MA wanted a compass calibration because the MA had been moved 44,586 miles from the last time a calibration had been done. Don’t see how that’s possible.

@Backyardmekanix could we take a look at the .DAT from the previous flight? In addition to the location info it will be interesting to see if there were the IMU errors that @sar104 referred to. Also, the .DAT from the test that @sar104 mentioned.

@sar104 this is the first time I’ve seen the claim that a reboot should be done following a compass calibration. I must have calibrated my P3 at least 100 times - I did a lot of compass experiments. My MP probably 20 times. And, now the M2P 20 times from the experimenting and monthly requirement. All this without rebooting after the calibrations. OTOH in this incident the problems shown in the eventLog stream seemed to start after the calibration.

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I’ve never seen anyone else make the suggestion to reboot after compass calibration either, but I’ve seen several events where, following a compass calibration, the IMU yaw did not appear to be correctly initialized. As a result, I always power off the aircraft and then power it back up while stationary on the ground. That might be completely unnecessary in most cases but at that point I want everything reset.

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Here is a link to previous DAT file:

Have not been able fly again after returning home from this trip due to high winds (definitely not the time to play with that!)