Lost MAVIC AIR, please help!

hello all,

I just lost my mavic air a few hours ago. Tryed to find it based on the last known gps coordinates but with no success, I combed the area but no trace of the drone. (tall and dense undergrowth)

The circumstances of the loss: the weather was quite windy, and the drone signal lost after 7m55s flight. In the last minutes i tried to redirect it manually in sport mode to defeat the wind but failed. RTH didn’t help, did not come back after the signal was lost. The wind was blown from east-south east.

I’m afraid that the remaining 10 minutes after losing the signal it could drift anywhere within a few hundred meters radius.

Can someone please help me where to look exactly?

Here you cand find the flight record data(txt and dat file):

Thank you for your help in advance! im really desperate :frowning: