HOW TO: Delete internal flight logs from the Spark

Follow these instructions to delete the flight logs from the Spark’s internal memory:

Note: You’ll need an FTP client to connect to the Spark and delete the flight log files. These instructions show how to perform this procedure using FileZilla.

1) Connect a micro USB cable between the micro USB port at the rear of the Spark to a USB port on your computer.

2) In FileZilla, select “File” → “Site Manager…” from the top menu and create a new site with the following settings:



3) Connect to the Spark by selecting the new site you created above.


4) In the “Remote site” pane, navigate to the “/blackbox/flyctrl” directory by double clicking the “blackbox” directory and then double clicking the “flyctrl” directory. You should then see the contents of the “/blackbox/flyctrl” directory


5) Delete all of the listed DAT files.


6) Navigate to the “/blackbox/vision” directory and delete all of the directories found there.


This seems pretty straight forward, however, I am not sure why I would need to do this… is there a finite amount of space for them? No overwrite/roll-over? Or is it for when you sell it on?

Yes, that’s why most people want to delete the flight logs.
