FPV Battery serial number

In ver 1.5.49, the aircraft log shows a battery serial number but, in the battery log, it shows something called the recovery serial and that is always blank. How can I make the actual battery serial number show up in the battery log. Thanks.

Can you share a sample flight log where this can reproduced? If you don’t want to post it here, you can send it to [email protected].

OneDive link sent by email.

I did not receive your email. Can you send it again? Or you can PM me here too.

sent to a better address this time :wink:

OK different file this time

DJIFlightRecord_2024-03-24_[18-24-50].txt (1.4 MB)

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I see the battery serial in that column after scrolling down a bit:

I'm also using Flight Reader 1.5.49.

Right you are. Down at the 66th line. Strange. I guess only DJI will know for sure why that is.

Anyway - thanks for bearing with me.
