Fly 1.4.12 - lost FlightRecord files

With upgrade to Fly 1.4.12 and FlightRecord folder disappeared (.DAT and .txt files are gone)

With Fly App v1.4.12 on my Android phone (Galaxy S9), the flight record TXT log files are now located here:

And the DAT files are here:

Thank You - that was the answer I needed

I had a little fright too when I could no longer find the files.

While installing the latest Fly app update there was a new popup asking for permission to store files on the phone. I confess I didn’t take careful note of what it said, just clicked OK. I think it’s maybe a result of this that the log files are now stored in this different location.

I think Android 11 has scoped storage enforcement meaning that apps can’t simply store their files wherever they want to. Maybe that is the reason for moving the Fly files around. Again thanks for the info.