Flight Reader Feature - Player

There are many times when using Flight Reader I wish that it had a play button to run through the log so I can sit back and just watch the show play out when trying to learn from my log and my inputs. If this is already in there and I just missed it, I apologize.

You can hold the right/left arrow keys on the keyboard to scroll through the flight timeline. That’s not as easy/functional as your suggestion, but it’s easier than trying to manually drag the slider beneath the map to play back the entire flight at a consistent speed.

This feature is on my todo list and I’m planning to add it in an upcoming release.


Thats great news! It will be a great addition for sure. Hope all is well! Loving Flight Reader!

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This feature is now available in Flight Reader 1.5.5.

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I just came to the forum tonight to express my thank you and appreciation!!! I found this tonight while looking at a few logged flights. The player is excellent and your implementation of it with the multiple speed choices is perfect. Thank you @msinger for continuing to refine and improve Flight Reader!!

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