Flight Reader API 2024.4 released

A new version of Flight Reader API has been deployed. Release 2024.4 includes the following changes:

  • The RTK_BaseStationAltitudeF and RTK_BaseStationAltitudeM fields have been updated to display a value for negative altitudes too. The previous API release was discarding negative values.

  • Added the following new fields:

    • BATTERY1_VoltageCellDeviation (BATTERY_VoltageCellDeviation)
      The current difference in voltage levels among the individual battery cells.

    • BATTERY1_VoltageCellDeviationMax (or BATTERY_VoltageCellDeviationMax)
      The maximum battery cell voltage deviation (in volts) so far in the flight log.

    • BATTERY2_VoltageCellDeviation
      The current difference in voltage levels among the individual battery cells.

    • BATTERY2_VoltageCellDeviationMax
      The maximum battery cell voltage deviation (in volts) so far in the flight log.

    • RTK_AircraftAltitudeF
      The aircraft’s current altitude (in feet) as reported by the RTK module.

    • RTK_AircraftAltitudeM
      The aircraft’s current altitude (in meters) as reported by the RTK module.

    • RTK_AircraftHeightF
      The aircraft’s current height (in feet) above the takeoff location as reported by the RTK module.

    • RTK_AircraftHeightM
      The aircraft’s current height (in meters) above the takeoff location as reported by the RTK module.

    • RTK_AircraftHeightMaxF
      The aircraft’s maximum height (in feet) above the takeoff location (so far in the flight log) as reported by the RTK module.

    • RTK_AircraftHeightMaxM
      The aircraft’s maximum height (in meters) above the takeoff location (so far in the flight log) as reported by the RTK module.