Flight Reader 1.6 - how to show RTK columns from Inspire 3 flight

Hi all, just downloaded FR and it’s great, will deffo purchase for logging duties.

I have done some Inspire 3 flights recently with the RTK 2 mast attached and I am hoping to get the RTK base station data from the flight logs, I have synced to FR using my DJI login and I can view the logs but the columns for RTK do not appear in the aircraft log or csv, what am I missing?


The RTK fields are not selected by default when installing Flight Reader. You can add new fields in the “Logs/Reports” section of the Flight Reader Options window.

Select the fields of interest from the “Available Fields” list and click the right arrow button to move them to the “Selected Fields” list.

After making field changes, you’ll need to reprocess any flight logs missing those fields. To do so, select one or more flights in the main Flight Reader window, right click, and choose “Reprocess Flight Logs”. At that point, the new fields should appear in the Aircraft CSV for those flights.

Thanks for the reply! This works as it should : ) very clever as DJI don’t even suggest it is possible to get this data from flight logs


Yep! That’s one of the benefits of using Flight Reader. It’s able to expose more data than most (all?) other flight log readers.

impressive work!