Flight Reader 1.5.7 released

A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.7 includes the following changes:

  • Added support for processing Mavic 3 Pro flight logs.

  • Added 1/4x and 1/2x map playback speeds. You’ll need to reprocess existing flight logs in order to see those new speed options on the play button.

  • Added “This Month”, “Last Month”, “This Year”, “Last Year”, and “All Time” sub menu items for the aircraft/battery CSV report to limit the flights/batteries. Right click a flight log in the main Flight Reader window to access the “Reports” menu item.

  • Resolved an issue preventing the 90%, 80%, 70%, etc. battery level messages from displaying on the KML flight path for some aircraft models.

See the release notes on the Flight Reader download page for a complete list of changes.


You got the M3Pro support in there very quick!

Was it substantially consistent with the other drones in the Mavic 3 Series? Any notable differences?

Thank you for always giving us the best on Flight Reader!!!

Yes, it’s pretty close to the other recently released drones. I will have another small fix coming out in the next couple of days to correct an issue that’s preventing the thumbnail images from extracting.