Flight Reader 1.5.49 released

A new version of Flight Reader is available. Release 1.5.49 includes the following changes:

  • Added the following new log fields:
    • WEATHER.isFacingWind: When true, the front of the aircraft is currently facing a headwind.

    • WEATHER.isFlyingIntoWind: When true, the aircraft is currently flying into a headwind.

    • WEATHER.windDirection: The cardinal direction the wind is blowing from at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.windRelativeDirection: The cardinal direction the wind is blowing from relative to the direction the aircraft is currently facing. For example, an East wind would be blowing toward the right side of the aircraft.

    • WEATHER.windSpeed [MPH]: The wind speed (in MPH) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.windSpeed [m/s]: The wind speed (in m/s) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.windSpeed [km/h]: The wind speed (in km/h) at the aircraft’s current location.

    • WEATHER.maxWindSpeed [MPH]: Maximum wind speed (in MPH) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER.maxWindSpeed [m/s]: Maximum wind speed (in m/s) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER.maxWindSpeed [km/h]: Maximum wind speed (in km/h) at the aircraft’s current location (so far in the flight log).

    • WEATHER.windStrength: Calm, Moderate, or Strong to indicate the wind strength at the aircraft’s current location.

See the release notes for a complete list of changes.

Hi Mike,
Flight Reader just keeps getting better!

I installed the new update but the only options I have are for windspeed (mph), maxWindSpeed (mph). There doesn’t seem to be any options for me to choose the metric equivalents and I don’t see any of the other log fields.

Am I missing something? I did reprocess my log files and only the two Imperial fields I mention above appeared.



Try scrolling down in the “Selected Fields” list. The other WEATHER fields are likely already in your selected list.

You were right, they are there. I guess since the two I had circled in the screen shot were in the available fields, I assumed all the others would be there as well and never thought to scroll down in the selected fields. Thanks for clarifying this for me.


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