Flight mode changed to ATTI mid flight - Crashed and now won't take off

OK, so I was hovering close to a wall, then all of of a sudden Flip decided it couldn’t hover, I lost control and drone crashed onto a hard surface.

Flight log says "Flight mode changed to ATTI: Aircraft in attitude mode - unable to hover - fly with caution!

Now FLIP has a quick blinking red light which the manual says is a critically low battery. I have charged the battery and all indicates it is fully charged. Remote control connects to aircraft however FLIP will not start up and take off.

I have an indicator (sensing system) saying that FWD unavailable.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I cannot help you with the issue, but I would advise you to never hover near a wall. The Prop Wash causes a low pressure on the side next to the wall and the drone gets sucked into the down draft.

And when the drone went into ATTI Mode, the GPS capability is not functioning and it will go anywhere the breeze is blowing…

Do you see the same indicator if you take your Flip outside during the daytime?

Do any messages appear at the top of DJI Fly when you attempt to take off? Can you see the camera view, and does everything else appear normal?

Picks up satellites OK. No messages on DJI Fly. When I tap and hold the “Take Off” button it circles green but nothing happens ( the screen just goes back to normal view). The only thing different that shows on the screen is the a red signal icon on the sensing system that says “FWD Unavailable” when I tap it. The camera view works fine. Battery fully charged. There is a fast blinking red light on the aircraft.

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Perhaps the User manual will provide some of the answers you are looking for…

Page 41 starts the explanation of the status lights…

Are you sure it’s not blinking slowly? If it is, then it would make sense that you cannot takeoff per this warning state:


In DJI Fly, if you tap the message at the top of the screen, the Flight Checklist will open. Perhaps there are other messages displayed there.

What happens when attempting to start the motors like this?

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Hi thanks for your response.

The red light on the aircraft is blinking at approximately 2 blinks per second. (I do not know if that is fast or slow because I haven’t seen the red light blinking before and have no reference for the speed). This is occurring when the battery is fully charged.

When I tap the sensor icon it just says "FWD unavailable’. inside the safety menu the ‘Brake is turned on’.

At first the satellite icon is red and not connected (but connects in 20 seconds or so) when I tapped this icon I got this message…


Top of the DJI screen says “Take off Permitted”. however starting using STICK commands as you suggested do not start the aircraft.

I went through some of the recalibrations in the control menu and got this window a few times?

I have never changed the propellers. All previous flights were fine. I have only owned the aircraft for two weeks and flown on two separate days.

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That looks like a typical “nag screen” that occasionally pops up in DJI Fly. As far as I know, it doesn’t indicate any issues with how the props are attached.

If you’re outside in bright daylight, all vision system components should be active as long as Sport mode isn’t enabled on the remote controller.

If the vision system remains disabled despite bright outdoor conditions, try recalibrating the vision system. If the calibration fails, it may indicate potential damage to the vision system.

My Flip blinks red at about that speed while it’s starting up and preparing for takeoff. That pattern doesn’t look like a fast blink to me.

That said, there may be undocumented scenarios where the light blinks red slowly. Since you’re seeing a “Take off permitted” message, it doesn’t seem to match the “Takeoff is disabled” blink pattern noted in the Flip manual. However, something is clearly preventing the motors from starting.

While I haven’t found much documentation on this specific pattern for the Flip, similar issues have been widely reported across DJI drones. I came across many forum discussions where users described the exact same scenario, but unfortunately, all of those threads either led to endless troubleshooting or others asking if a solution was ever found.

Ensure there are no remote controller or aircraft firmware updates waiting to be installed. If there are no firmware update messages displaying in DJI Fly, try using DJI Assistant 2 (available on the DJI Flip downloads page) to check for available updates.

If none of the above helps, reaching out to DJI support would be the next step. They may recommend sending your Flip in for repair, but they might also have troubleshooting steps if this is a common post-crash issue. It’s definitely worth checking with them.

Thanks so much for your time and advice. I will try the things you have mentioned and contact Support if I have no joy. Cheers!