DJI Mini 4K Image frooze while burst photo, analyzing crash

Hello there,
i wish you all Happy New Year!
Long story short:
-I flew in between the years to record the fireworks. I tried to fly line of sight/led , and tried to avoid possible gatherings of people, also fly in a safezone near fireworks and was not intoxicated with alcohool or something else(i treat flying the same as driving).
I crashed :slight_smile:
Now i am trying to understand what went wrong.
1st log: DJI Flight Log Viewer -
2nd log: DJI Flight Log Viewer -
Last 10s found in the app while using find my drone:
Where the drone sits now: New user
Drone is regretably unrecoverable and unable to see during the day, tried to find it with the Neo:New user

What happened is that i tried to cover all the fireworks and find the sweet spot for photo/video while having a safe distance. Was flying for around half the battery and decided to do a burst photo and from that moment the image froze on the app and i was flying blind and was unaware of what the drone did, i also lost sight. I tried to make the map icon from left corner bigger to get the drone over me, did not respond, tried from the phone screen the RTH but didnt respond. On the screen i had a motor overload while i did not touch the sticks, and after a few seconds a gimbal error. You have to understand i was a bit stressed as i was afraid the drone will fall over cars/people so some actions i took i might not recall correctly.
Now, on the last part of the flight, you see straight lines, the long line is where i tried to capture the video and photos, the small line, i assume is after the image froze on the app and what i did din’t help (please understand that i got stressed on losing the drone and causing a possible incident). Here i am sure i did an error, as i was under the impression that the drone is between me and the fireworks and moved the stick back/ so the drone goes in reverse over me. After all the panic, waiting, trying all combos on the sticks to get something i closed the app and restarted it as iti didnt respond, and went the find my drone path. Was a bit hilarious as we heard the beeps but didnt see it untill we looked up, so on this part we have a funny story.
The more i go down the rabbit hole the more i doubt myself due to panic and stress felt during the moment, yet the image definately froze and was unable to have videofeed and app didnt respond, from 40 something% battery i had 00, the motor overload info i saw on the app, the map didnt get bigger and RTH did not respond from phone screen (i forgot about the button on the remote). I do not recall a disconnect message or something similar, yet the second log puzzles me, the same with the last 10s .

It means a lot to me to understand what happend with the drone, what causes led to this, what human errors i did, so i can learn from it (kiddos too, as they are also flying Neo).
Thank you
PS: it was about -1Celsius temp. and unusual for me before flight i got a calibration request and a pop up regarding app update, to be held in consideration.
Thank you.
PPS: i did file in a Flyaway case, will share the results in next 3days

At 780.3 seconds (13 minutes and 0.3 seconds) into the flight, the drone was hovering above the treetops at the following location: 45.648520539495, 22.1847837212612

The flight log indicates that the throttle stick was in the full-down position as the drone descended. The OSD.vpsHeight (ft) value consistently decreased during this descent, confirming the drone was moving closer to the ground—or in this case, the trees below. Eventually, the drone made contact with an object, most likely the treetops, which likely led to a crash. This is further supported by abrupt, significant changes in the OSD.pitch, OSD.roll, and OSD.yaw values recorded at that moment, consistent with a collision.

Here’s a screenshot from Flight Reader, illustrating these data points on a chart:

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Hello, thank you.
I have digged into the app and cache videos i made, and rewinded the flight in my head again and again.
In the last part of the flight, the straight lines, i supposed the drone is somewhere in front of me, i focused on the fireworks and had no other refference point, neither did i saw the drone in the air via led. This is the big big mistake i made.
Before the crash i did the burst fotos, i forgot to specify i used the button and pressed it fast several times. The image froze, i tried to change to video recording, i panicked that i lost control and pushed the sticks down to get it lower and to me, without seeing what the drone sees and without line of sight, yet apparently i moved it in the wrong direction and crashed.

There is no denying now, analysing the data, that i crashed it, i was unaware of the real position of the drone in the sky towards me.
Yet before the crash, during the burst foto shoot, the image froze, where can i see that, how can i proove it. In the cache i only find one single image .
Because this is the technical issue that made me panick and take the wrong decisions while the drone was in a location i was unaware of

Your flight log indicates that the video was recording during the final 68 seconds of the flight. In the last 10 seconds of the video you shared above, the moment of impact is clearly visible here:

If the view on your screen during the flight matched what is shown in the video, it seems that everything was going as expected right up until the moment of impact.

So, i have the response from DJI wich is on paar with what we have in this topic.
Flight Date:2025-01-01 05:54:14 GMT+8 FLY-0035

1.The aircraft worked under Sport mode

2.Flight Time T=13:00, Relative Height H=42.3m, Distance to Home Point D=175.4m, the pilot pushed the Throttle stick down, the aircraft descended, the aircraft crashed with obstacles

3.The incident coordinate:(45.6485215, 22.1847891)

Conclusion: The incident was caused by non-manufacturing factors. Therefore, it is concluded to customer responsibility.


Remark: The aircraft has no vision obstacle avoidance system.

Based on the data you shared here, that seems like a reasonable assessment.

Even if it did, I doubt DJI would have replaced it for free. Obstacle avoidance systems are not foolproof and should always be used with caution.