Hi, Just completed a video showing a rough cut of how I home made a sunshade for my Mavic Pro using the MavMount setup with a Huawei T3 tablet. Link included- D.I.Y. Sunshade with MavMount+ tablet
D.I.Y. Sunshade MavMount how I did a D.I.Y monitor sunshade for my Mavic MavMount using hobby shop materials in 2+ hours and less than $20.00usd for my Huawei T3 and I still have my 4Hawks Raptor SR Range Extender attached
Went to a Arts + Crafts type store my wife uses and found everything I needed. Hope it’s helpful, sure was easy. I have used it in bright sun and all I need do is help situate myself for less reflection onto the monitor (tablet) screen. Works well