Hello. I’m located in Alberta, Canada. I live near a small airport and often have the altitude of my drone limited. I usually am able to check a box saying I’ll follow all rules etc and the restriction will be lifted but I often don’t get that option without uninstalling and reinstalling the DJI Fly app. Is there an easier way?
Does the airport have a DJI Geo Zone around it?
Looks like it does. I’m in Sundre AB. The drone is a Mini 2.
I looked up your approximate location and you have numerous GeoZones you may have to contend with and you may need to get special authorizations from the Canadian Authorities as well as getting DJI to un-lock various Geo Zones.
I also fly a Mini 2, but I am in the US and I also have various issues with atheizations from my government (the FAA…) as well as DJI…
I advise you get very familiar with getting DJI to unlock these zones for you. There are various YouTube Videos on how to do this.
Below is the DJI Geo Zone map for your area. I do not know where you are actually located, but depending on proximity to a zone you can get a warning or even a denial…
Just be sure you have good Satellite Connectivity before you take off. If you take off with poor reception and while you are flying your connectivity improves, the drone might not be able to return as it will be locked inside or outside a zone…
There was one member who was visiting some islands in Scotland and wanted to photograph an adjacent island. He did not realize there was an airport there and he took off too quickly without good satellite connectivity. The Drone received the better connectivity, reset the home point over the sea and by then he was already inside the geo zone and he could not get his drone to return as it would not cross the geo zone and it ultimately landed in the water when the battery ran out…
He posted the flight logs as a warning to others…
Good Luck!
Thanks a lot for that. I’m actually located in the blue zone. What gets me is that sometimes i just check a box and the restriction is lifted and sometimes I don’t get that option. It’s just small, slow moving planes using that airport that are easy to see so I’m not endangering anything. I use the drone to do real estate photography so it’s a bit of a pain. Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
Thanks a lot.