Aircraft wont connect

Hi I just bought a secondhand Phantom 3 Pro. I just installed the app DJI Fly. I start the app and select P3 pro, start the RC up and then the Aircraft. The app says Aircraft not connected and nothing will happen. The drone displays flashing yellow lights and steady red.
Has anyone got any ideas thanks Reece
Drone W323B

The DJI Phantom Pro uses the DJI Go App, not the DJI Fly App…

Here is the Link to that App at DJI along with the User Manual… Read the Manual twice, you will be surprised what you missed the first time and you will be better prepared for that first scary moment…

Hi, thanks for that,I had figured it out and realised I had been sucked in on Google Play store and wasted $70. Google dont have any legitimate apps for DJI. If you have an android phone you have to get the app from DJI download centre. Now i have the correct app the drone works as it should. Now im going to try getting my money back off ggoggle. HaHa.

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I understand that DJI does not use the Google store since they want to control the distribution of their software. When they do updates, the software will inform you that an update is available and you get the latest version. I am an Android user and I do not know if this applies to the Apple Store too…

It does not apply to the Apple Store since apps need to be published there in order to install them on an Apple device.