Add Description/Note to Logs

It would be nice if the ability to add a note or description to a flight log. I also use Airdata and they give you that option.

After adding a note/description, where would you expect to see it in Flight Reader?

Hi - I would most likely put it after date - I personally would like to see the columns “Aircraft” and “Battery” Ids at the end or even optional. Max Distance is something which I feel should be closer to the beginning, it gives me an idea of which ones are my longest ones (time is nice, but total distance is even nicer for zeroing in on the real flights).

Are your notes/descriptions short? If not, I don’t know that they’d fit well in this area:


A customizable layout would be a good addition. It’s on my todo list.

Is their anyway to add a client name like the pilot name in flight reader for a particular log. Also is their a way when adding a log to flight reader to assign the pilot w/o having to edit the flight details per log file.

Right click a flight log in the main Flight Reader window and choose “Edit Flight Details”. You can enter the pilot’s name in the “Pilots” tab of the Flight Details window.

No. How are you envisioning that feature would work?

I am not 100% how but maybe when you add a pilot for flight details the pilot is saved in a db so when you open details for another flight you don’t have to type it out but pilots are already their for selection?
Then possibly another tab for clients like pilots where you can select a client and they are also saved via a db or something. Then when you are viewing the flight reader you could see who the flight was flown for without searching the logs.

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Good ideas!

Thanks, just ideas I had while using flight reader. I really like using it over online services so thanks!

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I was looking for exactly the same DB or Look Up Table type option. Standardizing input options is better for getting accurate data out.

Just adding a vote of support and some thoughts here to this idea. I look at Flight Reader as my record keeping platform for all flights. I would love the idea of being able to add a note with a record to appear in Flight Reader so I could make some basic notations about weather or whatever notable things took place during the flight that I would like to be able to view later when looking at a previous log file.

@msinger - probably goes beyond the mission of Flight Reader, but would really make it an even more useful application.

Would adding a note in the “Overview” section of my screenshot above work?

I think that would be perfect! No need for complex, just a basic free form text box for some deep thoughts. : )

Thank you for considering it Mike!!

And to clarify, that feature is available in the current version of Flight Reader.

Well… Now that is a pleasant surprise. I had not gone there yet. Thank you for showing me something I needed, and glad to see it was there! : ) I’m on it.

I blame my increasing years. : )